The first working phase, which took place on May 20 and 21, was held at the project coordinator Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), where our Finnish partners conducted quite interesting from both content and methodological perspectives exercises on the topic of "B2B Sales Management" for the NPUA and the NPUA neighboring other Armenian two (NUACA and ANAU) and Georgian three (GTU, RSU and ATSU) partner universities’ team members.
As part of the exercises, the NPUA team members became familiar with the course curricula of the "B2B Sales" program at TUAS, including their theoretical and practical content, explored methods for developing professional skills in negotiation, result assessment, and management. The team took an active part in quite interesting "exercise games" in mixed groups and visited as well the TUAS's dedicated training laboratory to examine existing capabilities and opportunities from the perspective of their future applications at the home university.